AT&T Hackathon 2019

Organized by AT&T

24 hour contest marathon for developers, coders, geeks and enthusiasts with great ideas

AT&T Brno invites you to Hackathon.

This year theme - Technologies For The Future. If you have ideas how to improve or change the life around you, come with your own team (maximum 6 people) or come alone, make up the team on the spot and compete with others in categories:

- Smart Village

- Smart Factory

- Smart Office

- Device, Grid & Infrastructure security


USD 4,000 | USD 2,000 | USD 1,000

Refreshment will be available during the event


BVV, Pavilon E
Brno, Czechia


From 22nd November 2019 - 08:00 AM
to 23rd November 2019 - 05:00 PM