AT&T VR/AR Hackathon - San Francisco

Are you interested in learning more about learningabout, exploring and creating VR and AR applications?

Join us for a special VR/AR focused Mobile App Hackathon, produced by the AT&T Developer Program. Hangout with us as we hack and build apps/mobile apps, get fed, compete for prizes across different categories and most importantly: meet new people and scout for teammates to work on new or current projects. We will have experts from AT&T and the local community onsite to assist with your development.

You Bring...

Your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team-focused mindset and/or team-up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ with #atthack. Whether you are a developer, designer, project manager, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your skills are needed!

We Supply...

Quick presentations and code samples that help kick start your hacking, food to keep you going, and caffeine to keep you awake. We will have technical mentors to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools. We will also have loaner hardware on-site for you to use in your solutions. 

Event Schedule

The following is a list of the weekend's agenda: 

Pre-Event Workshops: TBA

Day 1

  • 5:00PM - Kickoff event with dinner, networking and developer dating
  • 6:00PM - Speakers present
  • 7:00PM - Pitch idea and form teams 
  • 12:00AM - Venue closes for the night; you may continue working on your project offsite

Day 2

  • 10:00AM - The fun continues with coffee and breakfast served in the morning! Work with the teams from Day 1 to complete the app spec'd. Mentors will be available throughout the entire day to help you code your solution. 
  • 1:00PM - Lunch is served
  • 7:00PM - Dinner is served
  • 10:00PM - Venue closes for the night; you may continue working on your project offsite

Day 3

  • 9:00AM - The fun continues with coffee and breakfast served in the morning! Work with the teams from Day 1 to complete the app spec'd. Mentors will be available throughout the entire day to help you code your solution. App submissions will be accepted throughout the morning with a deadline of 10AM.
  • 10:00AM - Deadline for team registration
  • 1:00PM - Lunch is served
  • 2:00PM - CODE FREEZE. Pitches start promptly at 2:15PM and are limited to three (3) minutes per team. PowerPoint presentations are NOT recommended! 


Prizes. The following prizes are experiential and geared towards accelerating you towards a successful business as well as expanding your network and industry knowledge:

  • Best VR App Overall
    • 1st Place - $2,500 in cash for the team
    • 2nd Place - $1000 in cash for the team
  • Best AR Overall
    • 1st Place - $1000 in Gift Cards for the team
    • 2nd Place - $500 in cash for the team
  • Community Choice Award
    • 1st Place - $1000 in Gift Cards for the team 

Judging Criteria

Apps will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted accordingly.

  • 33% Weight - Ability to clearly articulate what your app does
  • 33% Weight - Originality of idea
  • 33% Weight - Technically creative and/or challenging implementation

Hackathon Legal

All participants must turn in a consent form signed by their parent or guardian:

Hackathon terms:

We expect all participants to abide by the Hack Code of Conduct:


Social Media




From 4th November 2016 - 06:00 PM
to 6th November 2016 - 06:00 PM


Best VR App Overall 1st Place - $2,500
Best VR App Overall 2nd Place - $1000
Best AR Overall 1st Place - $1000
Best AR Overall 2nd Place - $500
Community Choice Award 1st Place - $1000