Big Android Academy Hackathon
Organized by
The Big Android Academy Hackathon on its way!We will gather for 24 hours to challenge ourselves, push the boundaries of our knowledge and have a lot of fun!Any idea, any complexity, any API or SDK to use. The main idea - to design things, write code, talk, share and dance! :)
Group:At least 1 designer & 1 developer.
15.3 15:00: Hackathon registration and work begins16.3 13:00 App presentation16.3 14:00: Hackathon ends16.3 14:01 Hugs, Kisses and drive home safely.
An idea for Application:You freely to work on anything you would like to. The goal to have an application with one full feature working.
What to bring:
Smile & Hugs
Comfortable cloth/Costume (you invited to be creative!)
Toothbrush and Personal Hygienic staff
Laptop with Android Studio, Git, AVD installed and working properly
Power cable for laptop
Android device with data cable for testing
Application for submission:
Design: At least one full user flow entirely designed
Development: At least three screens with different design, working flow, and at least one network call
From 15th March 2018 - 03:00 PM
to 16th March 2018 - 02:00 PM
to 16th March 2018 - 02:00 PM