Blockchain India Week Hackathon - by Blockchain Storm 13-14 May17 ft Vitalik Buterin

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    We are passionate about creating a Blockchain eco-system in India and around the world. We hosted the first ever Blockchain India Summit in New Delhi on 6 Dec 2016 featuring Inventor of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin.  Check out BLOCKCHAIN INDIA WEEK activities at #BLOCKCHAININDIAWEEK 12-19 May 2017 Mumbai   Read Vitalik Buterin Interview by Arifa Khan on Ethereum and India. Published by Daily Pioneer 16 March 2017 We host regular Blockchain technical workshops around the globe, in London, Zurich, Geneva, Dubai, Singapore, New Delhi, Mumbai.If you are familiar with ethereum, and are a fan, Join us! We will give you the tools to get the best out of this unique phase in history of technology. We will bring you face to face with the best in blockchain - such as the whizkid inventor of ethereum Vitalik Buterin himself! Vitalik believes in the potential of emerging countries and will be visiting India for the second time in 6 months! So brace yourself! We will be hosting the Blockchain India Week during 13th to 19th May 2017 with a series of events for the Blockchain clan - Ethereum Developer Community Meetups, Conference, Technical Workshops on Ethereum Smart Contracts & Other Blockchain Protocols, Hackathons , CEO & CTO Forums and Informal meetups.  200+ candidates have signed up for this first ever international hackathon in India with developers joining from Australia, Europe, Argentina, Malaysia, Ukraine and India! We are over-booked now, so if you have signed up as a Blockchain Developer, you need to tell us what applications you have build and what languages you know and your proficiency. Any team signing up needs to have atleast one proficient blockchain developer. As all good things come to an end, the free tickets are coming to an end. You can still sign up for the Hackfest on 15-16 and Blockchain Masterclass with Vitalik on 17 and the Summit on 18 May.    You can still sponsor this most-awaited and most talked-about hackathon in Mumbai from Rs2.5 lakhs onwards.  See Brochure and the challenges at    Blockchain India Week Hackathon Challenges : Agriculture & Farming - Making Supply Chain logistics farmer friendly ; Linking farmers to markets in cities and international trade corridors like the Flower Auction Market in Bangalore Freight & transportation of goods & produce through blockchain-enabled sharing-economy reducing freight cost, cutting down fuel and de-congesting highways Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain for weather-friendly crop advice to farmers Trade Finance for SMEs Peer to Peer loan market and on-line lending Person to Person Microinsurance for events like crop failure Blockchain for Governments - Governance, Public Goods Subsidy & Administration , tax collection, refunds Blockchain for Financial Inclusion & the unbanked Blockchain enabled Market mashups - like intersections of industry verticals Blockchain for improving market efficiency in capital markets, financial services, banks Supply chain to track the origin of products: the lifecycle from raw material, through processing, assembly, logistics, retail and resale... Education, learning & certification , vocational training, life-long learning, upskilling for the fourth industrial revolution Counterfeiting of goods like art, jewellery, gold, currency etc Authentication of pharmaceuticals, drugs Hospitals, healthcare management, vaccinations, medical records & insurance Hospitality & hotel management, loyalty rewards Real estate management, land registry, shared ownership Shared economy - room rentals like Airbnb, car rentals like uber, shared ownership of everything like gyms, golf clubs etc Sign up here for the Blockchain Hacakthon to be held in Mumbai on 13 & 14th May 2017.   Sign up here for the Blockchain India HACKFEST for Corporates & Startups to be held in Mumbai on 15 & 16 May 2017 offer feedback to teams participating in the Ethereum India Hackathon on the weekend of 13 -14 May 2017.   Sign up for VItalik Buterin Masterclass 17 May 2017     The Hackathon is being hosted by Zero Field Labs  Arifa Khan   CEO Zero Field Labs Founder Blockchain Council India   Arifa Khan is a London based Blockchain Researcher, a seasoned Banking & finance, strategy and operations executive, with over 15 years experience in Investment banking, Leveraged Finance/ Financial Sponsors Coverage/ Debt Products & Credit. She has worked with two suisse banks Credit Suisse & UBS. She currently advises Government of India on international financing , Government of Andhra Pradesh on Blockchain implementation and Vitalik Buterin on Ethereum adoption globally. Arifa's latest project is setting up a Blockchain eco-system in India through a Suite of Blockchain Solution Providers for Indian market, Blockchain Excellence Centre, a Blockchain Startup Accelerator, and a fund for Blockchain Startups.  Arifa is an avid Blockchain researcher, Member Wharton UK Alumni Club Committee, Founder Europe-India Conclave , Fintech Storm and Blockchain Storm. See details on Blockchain India Week events at Watch this video by Vitalik and see if you can answer any questions he poses here: this white paper on Blockchain in India published by IDBRT for context How to stay updated with Fintech Storm future events?  Signup for one of our events or see past events : Join our Meetup groups in London & India  Join Blockchain India Week 13-20 May 2017 Sign up here for the Blockchain Hackathon to be held in Mumbai on 13 & 14th May 2017.  Sign up for Blockchain India Week Hackathon Join our Meetup Groups & Events @fintechstorm @blockchainstorm Anyone interested in learning more about speaking, sponsorship opportunities can contact


    IIT Mumbai
    Mumbai, India


    From 12th May 2017 - 06:00 PM
    to 14th May 2017 - 06:00 PM