Blockchain Training for Executives & Business Analysts(Queens, NY)

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    Blockchain Training for Executives & Business Analysts  Price $499 /1 Day Training About the Blockchain Training Course & Aurablocks This Blockchain training course is being taught by Financial Services industry experts who have deep implementation knowledge of Blockchain.  Aurablocks is one of the very few companies in the world who has first-hand knowledge of the newly released Oracle Blockchain product and has built 2 applications of Blockchain that were showcased at Oracle Open World. This Blockchain training course will give you an overview of Blockchain and hands-on knowledge of the Oracle Blockchain product based on Hyper ledger. AuraBlocks At Oracle Open World - Covering Oracle Blockchain Sessions: We were the only company at Oracle Open World that demonstrated 2 live solution use cases that were showcased at the Oracle Blockchain launch. For detailed reporting on our coverage of Oracle Blockchain at Open World, check the links below: Replay Interviews with Top Oracle Blockchain Executives Oracle Open World – Day 1 Oracle Open World – Day 2 Oracle Open World – Day 3 Oracle Open World – Day 4 Oracle Open World – Day 5 AuraBlocks Launches Next Generation Lending Platform at Oracle Open World 2017 Aurablocks is the first Oracle partner to launch a next-generation lending platform based on Oracle’s Blockchain Platform. This platform was developed with industry lending SME leader, Biz2Credit.  This game-changing platform and its benefits were demonstrated at Oracle Open World. Press Release  Demo of the Platform AuraBlocks at University of North Carolina Charlotte Blockchain Hackathon We conducted Blockchain training with our very first batch of University students to participate in Oracle’s First OPEN Banking Hackathon. Watch our Highlights Below:  Highlights from Our Oracle Blockchain & Open Banking Hackathon at the University of North Carolina with Carolina Fintech HUB If you are an executive or business user at a large corporate and wondering about Blockchain technology, what is it about and how to use it to advance your business efficiency this is the course for you. This course is TAUGHT by blockchain INDUSTRY LEADERS that has EXPERIENCE in working with large enterprise implementation and have experience in working with the world’s largest corporations. This 1-day course will get you ready for the real world and ask the right questions to find your next blockchain use case for your company. Cryptic blockchain concepts are explained in a non-technical make it easy for you to understand with real-world use cases. The course also walks you through key implementations/use cases in different industries to help you solidify the concepts of blockchain including a walk through a live demo of one of Aurablocks live applications featured in Oracle leading business magazine Profit. This application build by Aurablocks is expected to SAVE Biz2Credit $25millon in OPERATING EXPENSES. LEARN from the COMPANY that has EXPERIENCED in DELIVERING ENTERPRISE BLOCKCHAIN SOLUTOINS.                                                                                                               Topics  Introduction to Blockchain Technology History of Blockchain Public and Permissioned Blockchains Non-Technical Overview for Executives    10 Questions to Ask to Find the Right Blockchain Use Case Benefits of Using Blockchain for Your Enterprise Best Practices for Implementing Blockchain for Enteprises How ICO's and Crypto will impact your business and how you should prepare for it What it takes to roll out the Blockchain tech for your business Discussion of Blockchain Real World Use Cases from Different Industries HealthCare Retail Financial Services Real Estate Supply Chain Insurance Public Sector Characteristics of a Enterprise Blockchain Platform – What Questions to Ask What it takes to roll out the Blockchain tech for your business Walkthru of one our own Blockchain Client Implementation -  Merchant Credit Advances for large Financial Services lender Open Q&A - Discussion of your ideas for your enterprise                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      _______________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                      Advanced training programs are available. For more information on trainings visit our website or email


    US Power Generating Company
    Queens, United States


    From 24th August 2018 - 09:00 AM
    to 24th August 2018 - 05:00 PM