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Whether you are an beginner or expert with an interest in Bitcoin, Ethereum or other blockchain projects our Blockchain Hackathon is a two day event you really will not want to miss.
Our two day event series will begin on March 23 at 5PM at the Five Points Theatre, with a delicious dinner, followed by a keynote speaker (will be announced) to give an overview of what will be happening! Followed by brainstorming and teamwork all day on March 24 at Georgian College.
So what will be happening?
You will form a team, we will then present all the teams with a challenge related to Blockchain technology. In your teams you will work together to come up with a solution that you will present on Saturday, March 24. We have over $5,000.00 in prizes to be won for those placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd!
Friday evening and all day Saturday, we will provide you with workshops, talks, and mentors to help your team come up with your solution. No matter your expertise, you will learn something at this event. Attendees range from beginner to expert.
Saturday evening your team will present your solutions to a panel of judges for your opportunity to win! A celebration dinner and networking event will follow at Georgian College.
All participants will receive complimentary codes to access Block Geeks Customized Learning Courses.
We hope to see you there! Stay tuned for more updates!
**UPDATE** We are so excited to announce our keynote speaker from Blockgeeks: Niloo! Visit our Facebook or Twitter page to see more details!
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 5PM - 10PMSaturday, March 24, 2018 - 8AM - 7:30PM
* * $25.00 Event Fee will be refunded in full upon attendance* *
If you would prefer to pay in person rather than online - please email: