Bloom All-Girls Startup Competition

Organized by Bloom

Empowering the next generation of women inventors, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

Bloom ( is a student-led organization that aims to close the tech gender barrier in society. We empower girls from around the nation and give them the tools they need to become the future generation’s inventors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Our program, a 4-day makeathon (July 23 - 26), encourages girls in high school to solve a problem in their community and pitch it to a panel of judges. Over the course of the makeathon, girls gain a plethora of experience in identifying problems and thinking of innovative solutions.



From 23rd July 2020 - 12:00 AM
to 26th July 2020 - 05:00 PM


1st Place - $200 in cash
2nd Place - $150 in cash
3rd Place - $100 in cash
SashiDo-Sponsored Prize - SashiDo credits and an internship
Best Design - Framer 24-month subscription
Best Wireframe - Balsamiq Wireframing Subscription
Bugsee-Sponsored Prize - Bugsee Credits