Bosch Embedded Systems Hackathon, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Organized by Bosch

Join the 24h Bosch Hackathon and sink your teeth into one of the embedded software challenges we have created for you.

Pick one of the challenges we face on a daily basis and create a new software application to resolve this issue. You and your team get 24 hours to realize this. We will provide food, drinks, (chill)rooms, and if needed a laptop, all at our office location in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Register as a team, or register individually to become part of this ultimate event. Assignments based on SAST OS for security camera's, Bosch conference systems and Bosch Industry 4.0.


Bosch Building Technology, corporate office
Torenallee 49
Eindhoven, Netherlands


From 24th May 2019 - 02:00 PM
to 25th May 2019 - 02:00 PM