Breaking the Code: The Un-Hackathon for a Cause Kick-Off

Organized by

    Join the Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) and our partner, Multnomah County, as we kick off our first a community-driven, collaborative design sprint. We aim to break barriers that exist between non-profit organizations that specifically serve people of color and the broad, local tech community.    Breaking the Code’s framework leverages assets from the public sector (data, staff, technology platforms, public infrastructure, small business incubation), and the technology industry (technology solutions, expertise, professionals, funding) with the goal of providing solutions to successfully serve the community.   Sign up as a participant, coach, volunteer or an attendee to learn how to use design thinking during National Digital Inclusion Week to create solutions to empower a more inclusive community.    Be a Hacker or Attendee - As a hacker for this event, you have the technical, creative or project management skills to share!  TAO is seeking teams of 4 - 7 individuals to work on industry and community challenges. The goal for each team is to have a minimum of one (1) Coach, one (1) Data Analyst, one (1) Project Manager, two (2) Software Developers or individuals with technical skills, and one (1) Graphic/UX Designer or creative person.   Be a Partner or Volunteer - As a community partner to this event, you have knowledge and sweat equity to share!  TAO is seeking shifts of connected community organizers to guide our hackers on resources related to the various challenges.  While you may not be technical, you know the ins and outs and of services and resources available. TAO is seeking shifts of helpful volunteers to ensure our hackers are supported throughout the week while they work!  The volunteer roles we are seeking are mentors, data/researchers, event planning and logistics, AV support, photography & videography.   TEAMS - create your own team or sign up as an individual and we will create teams 1 Coach 1 Data Analyst 1 Project Manager 2 Software Developers 1 Graphic Designer / UX VOLUNTEERS Photo / Video Mentor/Mediator AV / Systems Help Data Digger/Researcher Community Partner (knowledgeable) COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS (CBOS) FLYER    A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: AT&T Multnomah County, Port of Portland, Umpqua Bank & The City of Portland



    From 4th October 2019 - 04:00 PM
    to 4th October 2019 - 07:00 PM