BTNG Hackathon 2018

Organized by BTNG Team

Solving the problems of running successful elections in Emerging Economies

Solving the problems of running successful elections in Emerging Economies We are organising a Hackathon to bring together bright, determined people to help hack the problem of running successful Elections in emerging economies; using the Nigerian elections which come up in 2019 as a focal point. There are numerous technological, ethical, economic and political questions which can be answered by focusing on this theme, and we are looking to explore and address questions such as: 1. Elections are driven by political campaigns, which are dependent significantly on the availability of Big Data and its analysis. In what ways can Big Data be used to ensure fairness in the election process?   2. Elections are significantly affected by social media and the ability to decipher what is real from what is fake. What innovative solutions can we come up with to look into this challenge? 3. Elections are affected by how they are perceived, and the ability to show transparency and hence win credibility. Who can we provide innovative solutions in this space? 4. Elections involve disparate parties including international monitoring organisations who are in need of better ways to gather information and verify Election results. How can we improve the process? 5. In recent times severe allegations have been made about elections being influenced by nation states and corporations. Are there ways in which we can use technology to reduce the impact of external parties in the elections of emerging economies?   6. In recent times, Blockchain technology has gained a lot of traction, but asides building a currency around it, to what extent can Blockchain technology be used to assist the electoral process in results verification? In what ways can blockchain technology be explored in the elections of emerging countries, particularly in the 2019 general elections in Nigeria? FAQs What is a Hackathon? Who can attend? BTNG Hackathon series is open to anyone 18 years or older who is interested in working on creating fun, cutting-edged Apps for solving the problems of running successful elections in Emerging Economies Is this event for developers only? While developers are necessary for each team, anyone is welcome. UX/UI designers, marketers, biz dev, or even if you’re just interested in trying a hackathon for the first time anyone can participate and be a part of a team How many people can be on each team? Teams can have a maximum of 5 people How do you join a team? You can arrive solo and meet up with others to form a team at the event, or you can build your group beforehand and come to the event as a team. For that, you have to agree to join our Slack channel during registration What can I bring into the event? A laptop is a must and any other devices or equipment required to work on your project. Be sure to bring any dev tools that you use on your laptop or USB drive What about food and drinks? We will provide food and drinks throughout the event Who Owns the IP? Participants will own the rights to their work. Sponsoring companies may have their own terms and conditions for proprietary technology or content How can I contact the organizer with any questions? Agenda Saturday, 27 October 2018 9:00 am - Doors Open to Attendees (Pre-networking, Badge and Collection/Registration) 10:00 am - Opening Ceremony and Sponsor Talks 10:30 am - Design Thinking Session 10:45 am - Team-building and Networking Session 12:00 pm - Hacking Kickoff 1:00 pm - Lunch 2:00 pm - Hacking Continues 6:00 pm - Dinner 7:00 pm - Hack Hack Hack 8:00 pm - Closing (No overnight stay) Sunday, 28 October 2018 8:00 am - Tea/Coffee 9:00 am - Hacking Continues 10:00 am - Prepare your Presentations & Hacking Continues 1:00 pm - Lunch 2:00 pm - Hacking Concludes and Submitted to Wiki 2:30 pm - Hackathon Presentations Begin 4:45 pm - Winners are Announced / Prize-a-thon! 5:00 pm - Hackathon Closing Remarks 5:15 pm* - Drinks/Networking For up-to-date information, please visit Check out our blog posts too :-) Tickets are limited and served on a first come first serve basis Availability of tickets ends 21st October, due to strict security badge policies from Microsoft


Microsoft Reactor
London, United Kingdom


From 27th October 2018 - 09:00 AM
to 28th October 2018 - 06:00 PM