Build a mobile app in 8 hours using Ionic

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The rise of different mobile devices worldwide has made the jobs mobile developers much more difficult. They now have to deal with multiple devices and write codes for both Android and IOS. Hybrid mobile application framework such as Ionic is designed to address this issue. Ionic is a mobile apps prototyping tool that allows developers to focus on the design and fast prototyping without worrying on the cross platform compatibility. This course will provide you with all the knowledge necessary to develop a mobile apps, using a hands-on "by example" approach. You will learn how to create a complete mobile app, building up from many small examples demonstrating Ionic features and development practices. You will learn about cross platform mobile apps, Ionic, setting up Ionic development from scratch, screen navigation, CRUD in mobile apps using free online storage (, building a TODO list from scratch, and deploying mobile apps to mobile phones.


webShaper's LAB
Cheras, Malaysia


From 9th January 2016 - 10:00 AM
to 9th January 2016 - 06:30 PM