CalgaryHacks 2019

Organized by

        CalgaryHacks is a sprint-like, competitive programming contest designed to promote creativity, collaboration, and innovative thinking. Last year's event saw nearly 200 participants. Students primarily from the Calgary region will be working with the latest platforms, hardware, and software over the course of 24 hours to build some of the most innovative, and technical projects. Teams of up to five (5) are allowed.     CalgaryHacks is an excellent way for participants to hone and showcase their problem-solving skills and to connect with working professionals that will be attending CalgaryHacks as representatives and judges. The event presents a great opportunity for participants to develop new skills and also act as a bridge to close the gap between their academics and career!  To visit the devpost page, go to     Free food, snacks, and drinks will be provided during the hackathon, so please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies.     Additional details and a map of the event will be emailed to registrants one week before the start of the event.     The theme of this year's CalgaryHacks will be revealed 24 hours prior to the start of the hackathon. Teams and contestants can use this time to brainstorm and plan for what they wish to implement. Prizes First Place: $750 + additional prizes (to be announced) Second Place: $500 + additional prizes (to be announced) Third Place: $250 + (to be announced) Additional door prizes from Telus will be provided FAQs Where is the event? The event is being hosted at the University of Calgary, in the Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and Math Sciences (MS) Building. (A map will be posted on the site soon)   Are there minimum age requirements to enter the event? Nope! While CalgaryHacks was designed with University students in mind, students attending high school are more than welcome to participate! How can I contact the organizer with any questions?  You can email us at or visit us in person in the Math Science Building on campus in room MS130. Where can I hack? Anywhere on campus. Primary location will be the Math Sciences computer labs. Oh no! I’m locked out of the Math Science labs! What should I do? Come to MS 130 (which is close to the Math Science lab doors) and tell the executive/volunteer there and they’ll let you back in What are the rules of the Math Science lab? No food or drinks allowed. We’re borrowing the place and would like to keep it as clean as possible so please respect these rules. If you wish to eat/drink, please do so outside of the lab. Please be quiet. There are still going to be regular students who will be in the labs working on their own university projects and such, so please be respectful and keep your voice to a minimal level. Will there be reimbursements for travel or shelter? Unfortunately, at this time we will not be providing reimbursements for travel or hotel. Students coming from other cities will be required to make their own travel plans. What if I don't have a team? That’s okay, you aren’t the only one! Teams aren’t officially formed until day-of, so you will still have a chance to meet others and form a team! How will this be judged? The first judging will be a science-fair styled done by our hand-picked judges. Second “finals” judging of top teams will be done with a criteria that’ll be released at a later date. How can I distinguish volunteers for the event? If you need assistance, you can find an executive at Math Sciences 130 (MS 130). There will also be a couple of volunteers on duty as well. They will be visible in their red CalgaryHacks T-shirts.


    University of Calgary
    Calgary, Canada


    From 16th February 2019 - 09:00 AM
    to 17th February 2019 - 06:00 PM