Capital One Kidpreneur Expo

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    Join us for a day filled with exciting tips and resources for young entrepreneurs ages 5-15 years.  The event is FREE but you must register to attend.   Enjoy free activities, MK Hudson Art Show, interactive GE Youth Hackathon, entrepreneurial resources for young entrepreneurs, giveaways, motivational speakers and much more! For the young entrepreneur between the ages of 5-15 that would like to participate as an exhibitor, please visit Saturday, April 22, 2017 11:00am-2:00pm St. Philip's School & Community Center (Snyder Activity Center) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Dallas Texas 75215 For questions, contact Toni Patterson at 214-421-5221 ext 241 or About Kidpreneur The Kidpreneur Expo is a St. Philip’s School & Community Center initiative highlighting an increased focus on helping young entrepreneurs ages 5-15 in the Dallas/Fort Worth community start and succeed in creating small businesses and other entrepreneurial ventures. The mission of the expo is to help students embrace their passion, funnel their creative energy, and gain profitability around their talents and gifts with entrepreneurship and achieve independent success. About St. Philip's School & Community Center  St. Philip’s School and Community Center is a beacon of light, hope, and transformation in South Dallas. St. Philip’s provides an exceptional education to children from PreK2 to 6th Grade [ages 2 to 12]. St. Philip’s success is evident: 100% of St. Philips alumni graduate from high school and 95% go on to attend college, while the graduation rate for the neighborhood high school is only 48%, with 4% going on to college. Each year, the Community Center serves more than 2000 of our neighbors - including children, youth, entire families and seniors. Through the Community Center, St. Philip’s provides SENIOR SERVICES including transportation to local pharmacies; addresses HUNGER through partnerships with Meals on Wheels and the North Texas Food Bank; deepens STUDENT ENGAGEMENT through key enrichment programs such as mentoring and summer learning programs; and continues with its founding ATHLETIC programs serving over 400 children!


    St. Philip's School and Community Center
    Dallas, United States


    From 22nd April 2017 - 11:00 AM
    to 22nd April 2017 - 02:30 PM