CCP PET-MR Hackathon 2

Organized by

    CCP PET-MR Developers Team is delighted to announce that the second CCP PET-MR Hackathon will take place at St Thomas Hospital, KCL, London, starting with lunch at 12:30 on Mon 17 Dec and finishing 16:30 on Wed 19 Dec 2018. The event is free. Travel and living costs will be refunded. The Hackathon topics are: Train new developers in SIRF (Python) Port a synergistic algorithm (with existing implementation) to SIRF (Python) Resolve remaining issues with processing data from the mMR (MR and static PET) Finish image geometry Test on more data (VE11 SP3) SIRFReg Finalisation and testing Start with MCIR in SIRF For more info and updates visit If you are not on slack let the list know, we can fix it.


    St Thomas Hospital
    London, United Kingdom


    From 17th December 2018 - 12:30 PM
    to 19th December 2018 - 04:30 PM