City Challenge on Biowaste @ Startup Week Tallinn
Organized by
City problems should and can be solved in an open format engaging authorities, citizens, scientists and entrepreneurs at the same time in the same room!
Come and listen innovative ideas how to improve Tallinn biowaste separate collection in kitchens, catering establishments, food processing industries and stores.
The most critical issue in the present waste management system in Tallinn is the biodegradable fraction in municipal waste, that should be collected separately. The main reasons citizens bring out as obstacles in waste separate collection are lack of space for different bins in the kitchen and the long distances from the nearest biowaste container.
Help finding the most feasible solution together for Tallinn. The best solution wins support for the pilot project for one year in Tallinn to implement the solution and improve it further.
More information about Biowaste City Challenge here.
When: 21st of November at 13.00 – 18.00Where: Von Stackelberg Hotel Carriage House, Toompuistee 23, Tallinn
13.00 Greetings13.30 Keynote speech by Anneli Ohvril13.50 Introduction to City Challenge 14.00 Best solution pitches16.00 Jury discussion / Snacks and networking17.00 Award ceremony
The project is powered by Climate-KIC, The Ministry of The Environment and Cleantech ForEst. The great partners are Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (SEI Tallinn), Tallinn City Government, Tallinn Waste Centre, TalTech, Environment Agency and Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Who is Cleantech ForEst - Cleantech for Estonia
Cleantech ForEst accelerates green innovation in Estonia by providing funding and mentoring opportunities for cleantech startups. They run mobile educational program for environmental experts – Pioneers into Practice, hackathons, seminars Cleantech Breeze, green idea competition ClimateLaunchpad and Climate-KIC accelerator for green startups.