City Jam - Design-led hackathon for public services
Organized by
Design your city. Everyday touchpoints and interactions.
City Jam is a two-day, design-led hackathon. At it, experienced designers work together designing services for Hong Kong. Teams will develop concepts that look forward to the future of the city, while being founded in the reality of public services today.
Founded in real challenges
Experts will join at key moments to inform the designer’s process. Coming from the city’s biggest public service providers, they’ll add a dose of reality our the work.
Collision of minds
With designers and experts from all different backgrounds in the room, we’ll work across institutional boundaries to find the opportunities that lie in the gaps.
All the themes
Rather than pigeonholing our work into sectors, we are looking at a broad array of challenges all at once: housing, public space, mobility and utilities.
Why you should jam with us
Learn from each other.
Collaborate with the city’s best service and experience designers. Work together. Learn from each other. Break out of your day to day.
Everyday issues.
Get outside your routine topics, and work on things that affect everyone in the city everyday.
Meet the experts.
Get to know the people who make Hong Kong’s public services happen. Learn from what they know. Share your inspiration and ideas with them.
What are we working on?
We’ll design people-centric, future-facing services for Hong Kong.
Public space
Malls. Overhead walkways. Sitting-out areas. Sidewalks. Streets. Parks. Beaches. Plazas. Street cleaning. Benches. Playgrounds. Trash cans. Street lights. How do we use them? Why are there so many funny rules? What else is possible?
Apartment blocks. Communities. Housing complexes. Lobbies. Postboxes. Clubhouses. Co-living. Rules and regulations. Building management. How do we live together? How do we share our spaces? Could they be more accessible? What else can we do?
Trams. Cars. Bus stops. Walkways. Push-carts. Bikes. MTR. Buses. Taxis. Gondolas. Stations and stops. Stairs. Airports. Feet. How do we get around the city? How do we move stuff? What else is possible?
Water. Electricity. Landlines. Mobile phones. Internet. Gas. Pipes. Wires. Police. Fire department. Libraries. Post offices. How do we access utilities? How do we interface with them? Is there anything else we all need?
Friday, you’ll be up to your ears in post-its.
Saturday, you’ll have a finished prototype.
Friday 9am to 10pm
Come up with ideas. Talk to experts. Pick a challenge. Build teams. Get to work. Research the problem. Talk to users. Map and sketch solutions. Make mistakes. Have fun.
Saturday 9am to 9pm
Make rough prototypes. Make fancy prototypes. Keep talking to users. Keep building your idea. Get in a fight. Present your prototype. Win a prize. Celebrate.