Climate Hack 2020: Hack From Home
We are working to build a culture around taking action! Let's hack for our climate.
Hi! If you're looking to participate, please register via this form:
Climate Hack 2020 is a hackathon hosted by Starfish focused on addressing key climate change issues and presenting relevant solutions.
About this Event
“Very few people on earth ever get to say: "I am doing, right now, the most important thing I could possibly be doing." If you join this fight that's what you'll get to say.”
― Bill McKibben
Our times may be uncertain, but one thing remains true - there’s a simple power in people coming together. That’s why KindSF and Starfish are launching Climate Hack 2020: Hack From Home.
Attendees can participate from anywhere in the world, connecting with likeminded talent to create inspiring solutions to climate problems.
At Climate Hack 2020, your team will build solutions around helping the environment. We’re targeting developers and builders from all industries with a passion for protecting our ecosystems and creating something impactful. If your looking to participate, please register via this form:
Don’t let lack of technological background stop you! We encourage hackers, non-hackers, designers, investors, entrepreneurs and business folk to get involved. Whatever your angle or interest in climate change is, we want to see what you can do. Saving the world is going to be a team effort!
Challenge Areas:
Challenges are being crafted by industry experts -- nonprofits, scientists, policy workers, and more -- so that the work done this week will directly support people on the front lines of climate change work.
If you have challenge recommendations, we're all ears! Please fill out this form:
to 25th April 2020 - 09:00 PM