CodeAcross Toronto 2017

Organized by

Designers, coders, urban planners, government staff, mappers, policymakers, students, communications strategists! Civic Tech Toronto invites you to sign up to participate in the CodeAcross Toronto 2017 hackathon. You'll be challenged to collaborate with like minded individuals to leverage open data sets to create innovative solutions to problems facing cities, non-profits and community groups. You'll get to address your choice of problem from a set that includes:   »  The Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (MAESD) wants to create a tool to help job seekers better understand which degrees lead to which occupations and salaries.   »  The City of Toronto’s Transportation Big Data Innovation Team is looking for an interactive dashboard to tell the story of traffic speeds in Toronto.   »  The Landlord and Tenant Board of Ontario is looking for a simple, easy to navigate platform that allows the parties (the landlord or tenant) to communicate with each other.


Claude T. Bissell Building
Toronto, Canada


From 4th March 2017 - 09:00 AM
to 4th March 2017 - 05:00 PM