Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments: join us to ideate, design, solve problems.
Keywords: Electronics, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Rural connectivity, Space Tech, and more.
-Non-line of sight and obstruction detection (ELiko)
-Visual Radar (Cybernetica)
-Integration of the Smenete network with Telia’s and visualization of data from the system (Thinnect)
-3D Gesture Detection Using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensors (TalTech)
-Smart Villages (TalTech)
-Smart Waste Management Solution (TalTech)
-Quo vadis communicative things in and on the body (TalTech)
-How to visualize people movement in the room to get good situational awareness about the elderly person activities in room? (Crabsec)
-How data about outdoor sports tracks can motivate people use the tracks more often? (Crabsec)
-What sensor and solution would be best to monitor usage bureau building stairs and elevators and motivate people use more often stairs? (Crabsec)