
Organized by

Hackers and transport techies -- students and professionals -- in New South Wales! You're invited to participate in Transport for NSW's CongestionHack. Enter with a team of between 3 to 6 members and compete for great cash prizes. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution to one of following four transport challenges: 1. Real Cost of Driving vs Other Modes of Transport: A tool that allows users to compare the total cost of driving with other modes of travel. 2. Road Less Travelled: A solution that encourages alternate, less congested routing. 3. Saturday Snarl Buster: Discover non-congested geography of leisure in Sydney. 4. Truckie's Angel: Tool to reduce impact from truck breakdowns, crashes and impact from tunnels/bridges.


UTS Hatchery
Ultimo, Australia


From 23rd March 2018 - 05:00 PM
to 25th March 2018 - 05:00 PM