Coopérathon 2016

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Ready for the biggest Open Innovation Challenge 2016? The Coopérathon is a new type of hackathon, lasting 6 weeks to allow participants to focus on quality solutions. Participants may choose from two tracks: Fintech or Health   Large Fintech themes addressed in 2016 are:   »  Payments Management   »  Instant gift   »  Inclusive Financial Services   The major themes addressed Health in 2016 are:   »  Health and Wellness at Work   »  Seniors' Mental Health   »  Optimize care and life trajectory of chronically ill patients   »  Art - therapy   »  Adherence and therapeutic adherence   »  Improve health access for all



From 24th September 2016 - 10:00 AM
to 4th November 2016 - 11:30 PM