COYI Hack for Hackney
Organized by
Local people solving local issues with the support of the Circle!
In partnership with a variety of local Hackney based charities, this event will connect young people aged 16 to 24 with local businesses to give them the opportunity to develop their networking skills and actively engage with their local area. The goal of this event is to initiate ideas which drive societal change for the local community, tackling conversation topics around the difficulties and challenges faced in youth employment within a respectful forum.
The Hackathon will focus on engaging young people with local businesses to discuss how we can better connect local talent with local opportunities. The best ideas chosen to tackle this challenge will then be selected for further support.
We need a group of enthusiastic Circle members to participate in the Hackathon process, helping young people achieve change and create ideas which will have a meaningful impact on their lives. Members will be fully briefed before the event - all we need you to bring is your skills and expertise!
Event Format:
4:30-5pm - Arrivals and 'Festival Area' Networking
5-5:30pm - Welcome, Panel and Q&A session, intro to the hackathon
5:30-6:10pm - Group Brainstorming of ideas
6:10-6:40pm - 'Mentor's Den' in Festival Area (gives young people the opportunity to ask businesses for their feedback on their idea)
6:40-7:30pm - Create and deliver pitches to judges
7:30pm onwards - Pub drinks
Event Overview:
Collaborating with local young people and businesses to come up with innovative solutions to social problems. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to develop your creative skills, experience a Hackathon process from idea creation to pitching, all whilst creating a meaningful impact to the people of Hackney!
From 27th February 2019 - 04:30 PM
to 27th February 2019 - 07:30 PM
to 27th February 2019 - 07:30 PM