Creative Sustainability Lab: Recycle Hack

Organized by

    *NB to participate in this event you must register as a volunteer (please see below, not as scary as it sounds!)     Rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 100 acres per minute! Half of the world’s plastic goes into products that are used only once! In a recent recycling challenge only 4% of students managed to correctly place all items in the correct landfill and recycling waste bins!   Think these facts are shocking? Want to collectively, creatively and collaboratively explore these issues further?   The Recycle Hack will provide a platform to visualise and collaborate on producing solutions to our waste consumption problem. Ultimately, we want to end up with a number of practical yet creative, real-life solutions, which with your assistance, we can catalyse.   Nurturing a safe but disruptive platform we invite students from across Glasgow's creative student community to attend the Hack, where we hope to creatively, collaboratively and practically tackle issues in an informal environment.   Hacking is a great way of organically and collaboratively tackling problems, creating interventions, which help dissipate an issue. Small teams can tackle tough problems in a supportive community of peers and mentors. In bringing together a mix of participants with a mix of skills we hope to solve existing problems in new ways.    Post Recycle Hack The collective learnings which come out of the event will lay the foundations for the recycling strand of our project. R A D I A L is about peer to peer learning and we invite the Hackers to become spheres of influence and pass the learning on. While we don't know exactly what the outcomes will be we hope that collectively you will want to communicate that learning in various forms (with creative freedom to do this in any way you want)!    The idea is that those involved in the Hack will then go on to spread the positive waste-less messages and learnings which come out of the Hack, within your households peerr groups and social networks. Therefore, we ask that if you want to attend the Hack you commit to carrying out at least one conversation as a result of what you learned, be it even in your own household! To help us coordinate the visits please register here as a volunteer and tick Hackathon Helper when prompted. No other commitment is required from you although if there are other positions you are interesed in please let us know! You can read more about the roles and benefits.    


    The Art School: GSA Students' Association
    Glasgow, United Kingdom


    From 7th October 2015 - 06:00 PM
    to 7th October 2015 - 08:00 PM