CSESoc UNSW Hackathon 2018: Student Struggles

Organized by

    Do you have your own personal student struggle you want to fix? Do you want to win a prize for doing so? If so, come to CSESoc’s second hackathon! You will have one day as a group to come up with a solution to a problem through coding, all surrounding the theme of student struggles. If it can solve a problem a student has, no matter how big or small, it is the perfect opportunity to learn some new skills, get practical experience and run ideas through people in the industry. Your solution can be anything from a website to an app to a piece of hardware. There will be prizes, food throughout the day and mentors from tech companies to help you along the way. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, as it is a good learning opportunity for people who have never been to hackathons or have little experience. Workshops will be run throughout the day to give people a hand. So even if you aren’t sure about your idea or how well you will go, the workshops are set up to help people at all different stages of development.You will participate in teams of 3-5. It doesn’t matter if you have a team yet, everyone signs up as an individual and you will come as teams or be paired up on the day. Fill out the form below and pay to secure your spot.


    UNSW Sydney
    Sydney, Australia


    From 22nd September 2018 - 09:00 AM
    to 22nd September 2018 - 09:00 PM