CU StatFest'15: Data + Journalism

Organized by

    CU StatFest 2015 is a "Data+Journalism" Hackathon where Columbia students interested in data get together in teams of 4 and showcase their best visualization of information that could be newsworthy.  We provide the space for teams to collaborate and an array of learning resources. Speakers and judges are data scientists, journalists, professors and research from both outside and inside of Columbia University. The StatFest 2015 will bring together students with a background in Journalism, Statistics, Data Science and Analytics for a common cause.  This event is open to Columbia University students only. Important Ticket instruction: 

 To participate in this event, please select "Participant" ticket to register. After the "Participant" tickets are sold out, interested individuals can sign up for the wait list by registering using the "wait list" tickets.  "Participant" slots are given out on a "first come first serve" basis.  

If you are students from Columbia Statistics Club, please select "CSC Participant" tickets or "Wait list for CSC".  If you are students from the Journalism School, please select "Journalism Student Participant" tickets or "Wait list for Journalism Student".  Registration requires a valid columbia email address for confirming affiliation. Registration without a columbia email address will be voided. 


    Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia University
    New York, United States


    From 14th November 2015 - 08:00 AM
    to 15th November 2015 - 06:00 PM