Culture LabxYYC Hackathon: Build Belonging in the Workplace

Organized by

    3 HOURS. 50 CALGARY CULTURE-FANATICS. DISCUSSIONS THAT SHIFT OUR WORKPLACES. First, not sure what a hackathon is, here is a generic explanation. The theme is focused on how to 'Build Belonging in your Workplace’. The hackathon will explore this topic, in-depth, as a shared community through sharing what this looks like in individuals organizations and blue-sky ideation. If you believe that building a rock-solid culture in your company is the key to success then you’re just the type to fit into this hackathon. Bring your culture challenges to the table and leave with ideas to transform your workplace tomorrow. To help guide us with our discussion, we will have CLx partners providing examples they found successful for building a sense of belonging in their workplace.We'll split into groups to explore how to develop a culture of belonging as it relates to: Recognition Communication Fast-growth environments (scale) Flexible work Schedule1:00 pm - Networking & Afternoon Treats2:00 pm - Hackathon Begins Oh and early birds get $5 off your ticket if you grab before December 31st. *no prep or teams necessary, bring your experiences


    Nucleus Calgary
    Calgary, Canada


    From 17th January 2018 - 01:00 PM
    to 17th January 2018 - 04:00 PM