Cyber Security Startup - Hackathon

Whether you are a bootstrapped founder, engineer, business hacker, student, or mentor/investor interested in tech; you are invited to this must attend event. Must be 21 or over !

This event is open to those who work, start, mentor and fund tech companies. Guests seeking to launch a startup across platform and industry will enjoy this chance to mingle and network with potential founder, partner or investors along top industry leaders.

Participant Application (Mandatory): All Hackathon participants (alone or as a team) must sign up and submit idea, demo or pitch deck here (you would have a chance to update it during Hackathon, you also own all Intellectual Property): OneTraction/Hackathon

Events Details: 

Friday (Opening):

6:00-7:00pm Kickoff: Mix, mingle and meet other likeminded startups founders, mentors, and investors. Explore demo of select startups

7:00-7:15pm Panel/Judge: intro and overview of disruptive innovation and how to capture it during your startup product launch? 

7:15-7:45pm Team Leader/Founder/Developer as solo or as a Team "2mn Verbal Pitch"  (developer must have experience in Mobile, Web, or Wearables): Describe the Problem, your Innovative Solution, Target Market and "three steps use case: how it works".

7:45-8:00pm Selected Team formation (Judge select participant and match incomplete team with any of the missing role (Developer, UI/UX, Growth Hacker based on available volunteer). Selected team would continue hacking together remotely (no need for overnight stay, but can use during day time on saturday and sunday our partner office space "see your confirmation email for detailed instruction).

Example of Work to be completed during hackathon:

a) - Team have a very complex solution to a very large market and cannot create an MVP in two days (in this case work together to complete a compelling pitch deck by sunday 6pm) and submit/add it to you application

b) - Team have a very simple solution to common problem and can create an MVP in two days (in this case work together to complete your minimum viable product by sunday 6pm).and submit/add it to you application

Virtual Hackathon Start 9pm Friday and end Sunday 6pm: all completed pitch or link to MVP (stored in your cloud account) must be submitted using same application link above (simply update your application by sunday 6pm). Support would be provided via email during the entire hackathon, simply use a same email in your ticket confirmation to contact us.

Winner of The Hackathon: Would be informed by email within 5 business days with their respective prices (Acceptance to OneTraction with sponsored Funding by top VC, Tech Corporate Venture or our Mentor Investors for $25k to $250k contingent on graduation, along inclusion in Press Release and  featured on our select sites

Demo Table: Partners and Team who already purchased their ticket with demo table would have a shared space where they can display their innovation via their laptop or desktop screen/laptop within the event area.

Prizes: The following prizes are geared towards accelerating you towards a successful startup launch and expanding your hackers network with industry expertise:

  1. Best Disruptive Solution with Compelling Pitch (Acceptance Guarantee to OneTraction and + $100k investment upon graduation).
  2. Best Mobile App prototype (Acceptance Guarantee to OneTraction and +$50k investment upon graduation).
  3. Best Web app prototype (Acceptance Guarantee to OneTraction and + $25k investment upon graduation)

Note: all other team who complete the hackathon would be entered to a draw where the winners would have access to our standard program.

Judging Criteria: Disruption that can impact large and dysfunctional market with coachable team, able to launch an MVP within 60 to 90 days!

Food/Beverage: appetizers would be served at no cost.

Direction: Full address would be provided to all confirmed attendee 48 hours prior to the event!  

Event Speakers/Judge:     


Dr. Daniela Busse, Director of Innovation - Citi Ventures


Dr Larry Chao, Innovatin Expert. NASA, Intel, Stanford University


Jean Rouge, Thunderbird SGM, Apple

Bill Reichert: Venture Capitalist


Michael Foster: Innovation Leader at eBay


Dr Sandy Ahn, Stanford University, Director at Samsung Research

Ting Louie, USC, Morgan Stanley, PWC Investments

Event Sponsors:






From 22nd January 2016 - 06:00 PM
to 24th January 2016 - 06:00 PM


Best Solution - Acceptance to OneTraction + $100k Investment
Best Mobile App - Acceptance to OneTraction + $50k Investment
Best Web App - Acceptance to OneTraction + $25k Investment