Data Dive: Second Harvest - A Data Science Institute Hackathon

Organized by

    Want to learn about Data Science and Machine Learning and make a difference at the same time?  Join us for a 2 day Hackathon as we dive into data from Second Harvest.  We will be looking at their warheouse data and learn how to make Second Harvest more efficient. NOTE: This is based on the team success at the Hack MT.   Skills Needed?  NONE - we are looking for students and faculty that have a desire to learn.  Skills would be helpful, but everyone is welcome. Agenda for the 2 day event: Friday, March 29th 9AM - Introduce the problem and rules for the hackathon 10AM - divide into groups and get started looking at the data 11:30AM - Lunch 12:30PM - Quick feedback and summaries from groups  3PM - group work concludes for the day Saturday, March 30th 8AM - Doors open to start start day and group work     11AM - Groups are asked to start wrapping it up 12:00PM - Groups present their results and findings After presentations - Awards


    Miller Education Center
    Murfreesboro, United States


    From 29th March 2019 - 09:00 AM
    to 30th March 2019 - 12:00 PM