Data Remix Hackathon (Python + AngularJS + Google App Engine)
Organized by
Hackathon for those who love playing with big data :)
Often, hackathons can be disappointing experiences. First off, the type of projects people present to each other differ greatly. Secondly, the programming tools and stack used are not common - making building the projects needlessly difficult despite agreeing on the general idea.
Data REMIX solves this problem by:
1) Common Type of Projects
We only take on projects that involve remix big amounts of data. We either obtain the data through APIs or by scraping. These projects are a lot more fun.. We can see the results immediately at the end of the hackathon. We do not need to wait to get new users to create new data for an unproven idea before seeing any results whatsoever. We can enjoy the projects just by seeing how the data is rearranged in creative ways.
2) Common Tools
We use the Python programming language and Google App Engine. Creating an application for a few users or millions of users is fundamentally the same in GAE. So essentially, all projects completed at the hackathon can be fully production ready. And with AngularJS for mobile, we do not need to wait for apps to be approved by various mobile app stores. An AngularJS mobile app can be run natively and used publicly at the end of the of hackathon.
Schedule :
11:00 - 11:30 Welcome and Pairing
At the beginning, participants will be placed in pairs. One member of the team can gather the data while the other can prepare the application itself. Or one member can preapre the web app while the other prepares the mobile app.
11:30 - 5:00 Coding
There will be pizza and drinks available throughout. Up to teams to decide when to take breaks.
5:00 - 6:00 Presentation and Award
Towards the end of the event, each team will present theiir project within ten minutes. And each team votes for another team for best hackathon project. We are hoping to get some sponsor support which would also mean some prizes.
People can continue to hang out after the event. The location nearby becomes a full bar after 7pm.
From 27th February 2016 - 11:00 AM
to 27th February 2016 - 06:00 PM
to 27th February 2016 - 06:00 PM