Data Science hackday

Organized by London Data Science

Compete on data science competitions

Ever wanted to spend a day working with other data science enthusiasts on data science competitions? If so, then this is the event for you. Organised by the London Data Science workshop meetup, the basic plan for the day is to find other people who want to work on a Kaggle (or other) competitions and spend the day hacking and discussing (and eating pizza!) with them. All that's required from you is a laptop with an R and / or Python environment and your data science know-how. If you want to see what competitions are currently available, check out the Kaggle ones here and there are more from CrowdAI here. If you are a complete novice check out the Titanic tutorials -- there will be a Kaggle 101 group during the hackathon where this is often explored. All levels from complete novices to experienced data scientists are welcome at the meetup.A rough agenda will be as follows:• Arrive about 10:30am and form teams to start hacking away at different Kaggle competitions• Break for lunch around 1pm• Start hacking again!• Lightning talks from 5pm. A massive thank you to (and those meerkats) for hosting us. Also, a big thank you to who have kindly agreed to provide us with the all important pizza for the day. We look forward to seeing you there.- London Data Science workshop organisers


BGL Group /
London, United Kingdom


From 3rd November 2018 - 10:30 AM
to 3rd November 2018 - 05:30 PM