Demain Commence Aujourd'hui - Téléportation, transplanage, virée dans l’espace : quels moyens de transports en 2030?

Organized by

Kids and young adults -- ages 14-20 years old -- in and around Paris! If you're fascinated by futuristic flying transportation, then you're invited to sign up for Demain Commence Aujourd'hui - Téléportation, Transplanage, Virée dans l’espace (Tomorrow Starts Today - Teleportation, Apparition, Flying in Space). You have two choices! If you dream of starting your own business, then you may participate in a Job Lab. If you like to design and build things, then turn onto the hackathon flight path.


Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie
Paris, France


From 14th January 2018 - 09:30 AM
to 14th January 2018 - 06:00 PM