Developer Camp 10th Anniversary
Developer Camp: The World's Best Hackathon
10 years of pioneering in Open Source.
10 years of making real apps and services that people use.
10 years of friendship, support, and community.
10 years of success and profit on the App Store and everywhere else.
It is time to celebrate our inclusive, diverse, and equal-opportunity society with a huge event that honors our past and pivots into the future.
The theme of this special event is: Music, Photography, and the Creative Arts.
Who: Developers, designers, musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, testers, and makers. The elite corps of Developer Camp Counselors — winners of past events, and distinguished members of our community from the Bay Area stand ready to teach and help.
What: 48-Hour hackathon for iOS, bots, and the Web. This collaborative event, featuring superstar hackers and designers to help everyone learn to code, build custom hardware, and generally make ideas come to life. This year's theme is: music and art. Watch the video.
When: November 10-12 (Friday evening through Sunday). See our schedule and details.
Where: PayPal Town Hall, San Jose, CA—open all weekend.
Why: There is a huge opportunity to bring diversity to the technology industry. Women and girls, men and boys, we all deserve more opportunities to start coding using simple, powerful tools. Watch our Women of iOSDevCamp video.
How: Our sponsors offset the cost of attendance, and provide valuable prizes for participants. Our new sponsor OCL has an SDK for iOS specifically built for musicians and artists to collaborate with developers.
Build an app that includes copy-written content without hassles. Discover a robust, light framework that automatically handles sourcing, identification, reporting, and automates licensing for your users—without having to worry about contracts, accounting, or securing permission.
The Totem SDK from OCL allows access to a huge catalog of music and artwork via a simple iOS framework that allows you to write code in Swift, Objective C, or Node.js. The creators of this technology (based on the same math that powers blockchain) will be at our event to explain it all, and enable you to build experiences we have not seen before.
Learn more about our upcoming event.
This event has catalyzed the launch of award winning startups (like Getaround and Foodspotting), the formation of founder dream teams (Square), and the building of a talented and collaborative community of developers.
Out-of-town guests are welcome to join our inclusive event. Though projects will include both solo and team efforts, we encourage attendees to build teams of diverse expertise — business ideas, marketing, design, testing, coding, and back-end development. All attendees should be prepared to participate in the development of a project during the event. Scholarships are available to encourage diversity, and mentors are available.
“It’s one of the most pure and original hackathons. People come from all around and really just hack on something, meet new people, cherish the relationships that they create here—and go out to create huge companies. The developers we’ve met at Developer Camp are among the best in the world. Some of them have gone on to join our team. We’re excited to be supporting the event again this year... Developer Camp is the best.”
-Zac Bowling, Google engineer
has attended 100+ hackathons
Developer Camp sponsor/participant
The event will feature:
-- Meetup on Friday with Refreshments
-- Catered Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (Saturday and Sunday)
-- Open Mic for Questions
-- Educational Sessions by Sponsors
-- Participant-led Ad Hoc Sessions
-- Saturday Night Gaming
-- Hackathon Contest with Prizes
-- Everyone Leaves with Something
1700 — Doors Open
1700–1800 — Mixer
1800–1900 — Welcome and Introductions
1830—Healthy Dinner
1900–2100 — Idea / Mentorship Pitches
2200 — Doors Close
0900–1000 — Continental Breakfast
1000–1200 — Introductions & Inspiration
1300–1400—Healthy Lunch
1200–2200 — Hacking and Learning with Swift and PullString
1800–1900 —Dinner
2200 -Overnight—Camp out on site
0900–1000 — Continental Breakfast
1000–1400 — Prepare for Hackathon
1200 — Hackathon Entries due
1300–1400 — Family Style Lunch
1400–1700 — Hackathon Showcase
1700–1730 — Awards
1730–1800 — Pack It Up
1800 — Doors Close
We are currently seeking:
-- Your Registration
-- Cash Sponsors
-- Hackathon Prize Donations
To get involved with the above, please email
See you there!
Developer Camp Organizers
Dom Sagolla, Dan Zeitman, and Paul Blair
to 12th November 2017 - 06:00 PM