Developer Circles: Oakland Beginner Bot Workshop (11/2)

    Are you interested in ChatBots and/or participating in the Facebook Developer Circles: Oakland Bots Hackathon?

    On 11/2 we are hosting our second Beginner ChatBot workshop, as well as opening up our space to prospective Hackathon participants that would like to work on their products.

    In this technical hands-on workshop our instructors walk you through the process of building your first ChatBot, built on the Messenger platform. We will then give you an overview of the industry, and how you can start buildilng ChatBot solutions on your own.

    Up to 30 prospective hackathon participants are free to come work on your ideas with your teams or solo. A FB Messenger Team member will be in attendance to give you insights as to how you can build a better bot for our  Bots Hackathon on November 18th.

    Snacks are provided to everyone who attends!

    If you are interested in our workshop please see the requirements below before signing up.

    Technical Requirements:

    • Basic experience with JavaScript
    • Basic experience with Node.js (not necessary, but nice to have)
    • Basic experience with Git

    Hardware/Software Requirements:

    • MacOS, Linux, Windows
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Git
    • Node

    Technologies you will use:

    What You’ll Learn (in depth):

    • Learn how to Build a Server
    • Learn how to connect a Bot to Facebook Messenger
    • Learn how to connect Webhooks to Facebook Messenger
    • Learn how to Add Access token to Chatbot
    • Learn about Facebook Messenger Chatbot best practices
    • Learn how to manipulate what a Chatbot says
    • Facebook Messenger Protocol and User Interface Elements

    Get started today by taking an indepth look at the curriculum here:


    6:30pm - 7:00pm: Registration, getting settled
    7:00pm - 7:30pm: Introduction to Chatbot Ecosystem
    7:30 - 9:30pm: Messenger Bot Workshop

    Space is limited, so get your tickets today. Looking forward to learning with you!

    The Facebook Developer Circles Oakland chapter hosts social events for developers, and workshops on Facebook related technologies such as React, React Native, Redux, Messenger Bots and Analytics. For updates on the community apply to join our Facebook group today.


    456 8th Street
    OaklandUnited States


    From 2nd November 2017 - 06:30 PM
    to 2nd November 2017 - 09:30 PM