Developer Relations: Best Practices & Experiences
Organized by
Developer Relations: Best Practices & Experiences
This event will provide leaders in technology, HR, marketing and sales with practical first-hand insights on how to best connect with, build relations with and of course on how to hire developers.
What can this event do for you?
We provide a setting which allows us to direct your full focus on developer relations.
Meet experts & speakers and draw knowledge from their vast experiences.
You are the focal point of our conference. Find solutions for your organization when discussing Developer Relations with the attendees.
Join us and learn about the best practices and pitfalls of end-to-end developer evangelism, onboarding and success.
Registration will close once capacity (max. 50) is reached, so RSVP early!
We are happy to announce the following speakers & our agenda:
8:30-9:00 Registration & Breakfast
09:00- 09:15 Welcome & intro
9:15- 9:40 Natalie Korotaeva, CEO of Tabs or Spaces “How to build a developer community for your company and where to start”
9:40-10.05 Hasib A. Samad, fr. Head of Mobile at N26 "Hiring Tech Talents: Best Practice - Fair Practice - Do's and Don'ts"
10:10- 10:35 Benjamin Ruschin, Managing Director of WeAreDevelopers “How Tabs or Spaces can boost your visibility in the developers community”
10.35- 10.50 Coffee break
10.50 - 11.15 Martin Schürrer, СTO at PSPDFKIT "How we attract and hire software engineers."
11.20-11.45 Yoana Dimova, hackathons at Female Tech Leaders will present “How we built a female-friendly community, what companies and the community can do to promote diversity and how we organize hackathons”
11.45- 11.55 Coffee break
12.00- 12.25 Lubo Drobny, Head of Engineering at Slido ““Main principles we apply when hiring software engineers.”
12.25.-12.45 Ladislav Vašek, University Relations and Internal Community Coordinator at Kiwi “New territories - How we look for developers abroad, why the local communities are so important, how we approach local universities, and why we love beer.”
12.45-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Round Table
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us:
Mobile: +43 677 624 154 34