EIT Digital Finland Innovation Day 2018

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    The 2018 edition of the highly-popular annual EIT Digital Finland Innovation Day will take place on December 11th, 2018, at Dipoli, Espoo Otaniemi.  The theme of the 2018 Innovation Day is "Digital Cities" and it is organized in close co-operation with our French node.  Program 9.00: Registration and Coffee. 10:00: Welcome & opening:  EIT Digital Finland Node Director, Marko Turpeinen. 10.15: Three inspiring Key Notes, each elaborating the topic of “Smart Cities and Smart Mobility” from their respective angles of cities as the owner of the sandbox, an innovator visioning the future, and an industry representative as an enabler. Anni Sinnemäki, Deputy Mayor, City of Helsinki Sampo Hietanen, CEO, MAAS Global Antti Lippo, Demos Helsinki 11:45:  Exhibition overview. 12:00: Networking Lunch. 13:00: Keynote by our Digital Cities Action Line Leader, Stéphane Péan. 13:20: “Cities as Platforms - Changing Use of Urban Space” panel discussion. Paloma Bautista, CHAOS Architects Pekka Koponen, Forum Virium Helsinki Jussi Suomela, GIM Guillaume Toublanc, EIT DIgital France 14:30: Innovation Ecosystem Success Stories. CEDUS (Italy) Espoo Marketing (Finland) INSTANT Systems (France) 14:55: Closing words: Marko Turpeinen. Don't miss our exhibition Parallel to the afternoon program, you will have the opportunity to explore the demos of selected EIT Digital Innovation Activities.  Among the exhibitors, will be the following EIT Digital Innovation Activities, each presented by our partners:  ACTIVE (Advanced Connectivity Platform for Vertical Segments - Ericsson) Ai-Move (Artificial intelligence platform that detects physical health-related conditions in the workplace - University of Oulu). AR4OmniSales (Augmented Reality and Machine Vision technology for smart retailers - VividWorks) Augmented Welder (Forum Virium Helsinki) Bright Ageing (Forum Virium Helsinki) CEDUS (City Enabler for Digital Urban Services - Engineering) ERICS (European Refugee Information and Communication Service; "CAPICHE" - Aalto University) OEDIPUS (Operate European Digital Industry with Products and Services - Aalto University). Security Operations Center For Critical Infrastructure (F-Secure). Startup to Scaleup Launchpad Europe (Assist startups to grow and succeed by facilitating the cooperation with investors and corporations - Espoo Marketing & Nokia). Smart Delivery Network for Urban Areas (Bookit). Virtual Building Service (Easy people flow and occupancy simulations for buildings - Kone Corporation). The following startups have confirmed their attendance at the Exhibition: MOPRIM (Motion sensing company offering a SaaS Platform) GIM and Sensible 4 (Vehicle automation systems for harsh Nordic winter conditions and extreme environments) Ultrahack (Ultrahack combines hackathons, an innovation platform and accelerators in a unique manner). VimAI (VimAI enables indoor augmented intelligence by taking advantage of computer vision and machine learning techniques.) EIT Digital Partner Stands: Forum Virium Helsinki Tallin Technical University EIT Digital Stands: EIT Digital Academy EIT Digital Accelerator Scaleup program Expand and strengthen your professional network  An “Open for All Attendees” online matchmaking tool is available for you to maximize your visit to our Innovation Day by establishing new value-adding relationships.  You find the link to the matchmaking tool both on the on-screen confirmation message and the email you will receive after you have submitted your registration Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, December 11th! Marko Turpeinen Node DirectorEIT Digital Finland Questions  For any possible questions, please contact our Co-Location Center Manager timo.sorsa@eitdigital.eu . Visit EIT Digital Privacy Policy.



    From 11th December 2018 - 10:00 AM
    to 11th December 2018 - 03:00 PM