Emerging Agriculture 2019 Hackathon
Organized by
Emerging Agriculture is a non-profit organization based out of the University of Saskatchewan. A hackathon is held annually in January, with the goal of identifying issues in the agricultural industry and proposing technological solutions. We bring students, entrepreneurs, and industry professionals together to collaborate and innovate. The 5th annual hackathon will be held on January 18-19, 2019, at Edwards School of Business, in the Moeller Resource Room 244. Doors open on Friday at 4:00pm. Supper begins at 5:00pm. The keynote speech by Warren Bills of xarvio begins at 6:00pm, followed by idea pitches at 7:00pm. Doors are open until 10pm for networking! Doors open again on Saturday morning at 8:00am for breakfast. Presentations by our sponsors begin at 8:30am and participants can begin hacking at 9am! Hacking goes until 5pm, when supper is served. Presentations and judging follows.
Come check it out! Great food + incredible people = one awesome event.
If you want to contribute to the future of agriculture and technology, there's no better time than now!