Energy Hack NL

Organized by Enpuls, Enexis Netbeheer, TU Eindhoven, Microsoft, UtrechtInc

How can we achieve a 100% sustainable, reliable and affordable energy system in the Netherlands?

Developers, data scientists, energy experts, designers, marketers, or Innovators? Are you interested in hacking the energy neutral city of the future? You're invited to participate in the Energy Hack NL 48-hour hackathon. Register as a team, or join one at the event! You'll have access to relevant datasets and APIs for the city of Eindhoven. You will face your choice of one of three Smart Energy challenges: Flexible Energy, Sustainable Area Development, or Sustainable Mobility. In addition to the energy technologies, you may use whatever technology you choose -- such as data science, Internet of Things, or blockchain! So come and collaborate and compete for your share of a €7000 prize pool.


Orthen 63
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands


From 25th May 2018 - 05:00 PM
to 27th May 2018 - 05:00 PM