ESPN & espnW Present Girls in Tech's Super Football App Challenge Hackathon


A Weekend-Long Hackathon Matching Silicon Valley’s Tech Talent With America’s Biggest Sporting Event

Girls in Tech's weekend-long Hackathon, taking place on January 15th to the 17th, ties-in with America's Biggest Sporting Event, which takes place February 7th at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara. iOS and Android app Developers, Designers and Product Developers will team up and have the opportunity to prototype and develop apps that visitors new to San Francisco or staying during the Super Football Week could use.

This two-day hackathon will last day and night and apps are slated to launch 3 weeks prior to the Super Football weekend. These smart phone apps will help visitors have the ultimate San Francisco Football experience possible. We're seeking ideas for developers, designers, and idea people to transform consumer app concepts into a reality. Some of the ideas currently being tossed around are:

  • A real-time geo-location app for finding fellow football enthusiasts and friends
  • Restaurant Wait Time Apps
  • Local transportation locater
  • Pop-up & street-food restaurant finder
  • Reservation app for shows, concerts, boat rides, etc.
  • Live-streaming app from downtown SF and tail gates
  • Digital Tip Jar for Musicians
  • Traffic/Street Closure Alert with Crowd Sourced real-time Updates from Police and Citizens.


Developers should be familiar with third-party APIs, in particular they should be able to:

  • integrate a REST API in a mobile application (e.g. Android)

  • call the API endpoints

  • parse the response

  • display the data in a meaningful way

UI/UX Designers can team up with developers and create assets/graphics or flows in order to make a great app that is fun and easy to use.


Friday, January 15, 2016

6pm - Doors Open for Happy Hour, meeting teammates discussing ideas. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

  • 9.30am - Team Idea Pitches, Planning
  • 10am - Hacking Begins
  • 10.30am - TechDive: Building a Prototype in Android
  • 12.00pm - Lunch provided
  • 1.00pm - TechDive sessions TBD
  • 7.00pm - Dinner served
  • 8pm - Hacking continues Sunday, 17, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

  • 10.00am - Checkpoint/preparation of demo and final hacking
  • 12.00pm - Lunch provided
  • 2.00pm - Hacking Stops
  • 2.30pm - DEMOS / feedback
  • 6.00pm - Judging and Prizes
  • 7.00pm - Event finishes

The Girls in Tech Hackathon is a code-a-thon where developers, designers, scientists, students, entrepreneurs and educators gather to collaborate on projects including applications, software, hardware, data visualization and platform solutions. This event gives participants the chance to flex their skills, work with fellow hackers, and learn something new, such as a programming language or API. Mentors are present to guide the attendees on the platform or technology chosen for the event.

The Hackathon is an open event (both male and female participants are welcomed) that promotes gender equality and bridging the gap in the technology and start-up spaces. The work developed in this event is appraised by an experienced panel of judges; every participant will be rewarded for their contribution, but extra prizes are available for standout Hackathon stars!


Flavius Popescu

Android Engineer @ Coffee Meets Bagel

Flavius grew up in Romania with a passion for all things tech and started teaching himself programming in C++. He went on to pursue a degree at Edinburgh University where he studied Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science.

While in Edinburgh he also mentored primary school teams for the FIRST Lego League and was a science communicator at Edinburgh International Science Festival.

Daniel Pyrathon

Daniel is a software engineer currently based in San Francisco working at Coffee Meets Bagel, an online dating and social networking site.

Daniel worked at Skimlinks in London where he was involved in various sectors of the company: from the web application, the front-end, natural language processing, and search. He also worked at Pathflow, a business intelligence startup, where he was responsible of architecting and building a real- time computer vision analytics engine. Daniel is very passionate about the Python community, this led him to become a Django contributor and was accepted as part of Google Summer of Code 2014.



From 15th January 2016 - 07:00 PM
to 17th January 2016 - 10:00 PM