Everything IoT Global Leadership Summit 2017

Organized by

Australian hackers in the IoT community! Are you planning to attend the Everything IoT Global Leadership Summit 2017? If so, then Everything IoT invites you to participate in the Everything IoT HackLABS 2017. This weekend event will take place in Sydney with the Leadership Summit, but you can also participate in a simultaneous HackLAB in Melbourne! How great is that? You'll be challenged to compete against teams of IoT enthusiasts from corporations, government, startups, and academia to come up with new innovative IoT solutions! Everything IoT sponsors have submitted challenges for you to address. If your project is one of the top three, you'll be selected to present it to an expert panel at the Leadership Summit for your chance to be the grand winner.


Australian Technology Park (Theatre)
Eveleigh, Australia


From 11th October 2017 - 08:00 AM
to 12th October 2017 - 06:30 PM