#ExpeditionHacks Human Trafficking Hackathon: Arlington, VA 2018

Organized by

Hackers, artificial intelligence/machine learning specialists! Are you interested in using modern technology to help combat human trafficking? If so, you're invited to participate in the #ExpeditionHacks Human Trafficking Hackathon. You'll be challenged to design and prototype an innovative solution that helps analysts, law enforcement, or victim services fight the human trafficking scourge! You could use artificial intelligence/machine learning, augmented reality, or another technology to create a solution such as a predictive model of trafficking, or a tool to aggregate local data to help analysts at the national level. The solution and enabling technology is up to you!


George Mason University - Arlington Campus
Arlington, United States


From 10th February 2018 - 09:00 AM
to 11th February 2018 - 12:00 PM