Facebook Hackathon/Build Day 2019 - Developer Circle from Facebook
Facebook's Developer Circles are local communities designed to help developers learn and grow.
Facebook's Developer Circles are local communities designed to help developers learn and grow. For the 2019 Developer Circles Community Challenge, you are invited to build software applications that use at least one of three featured technologies: React360, Spark AR, and/or HTML5 Games. Your software must also fit into one of three categories: Gaming and Entertainment, Productivity and Utility, or Social Good.
Main Requirement: Build (or update) software that falls into any of the three categories and incorporates at least one of the three featured technologies:
Spark AR
HTML5 Games
Gaming and Entertainment (including applications that users find fun and may play with)
Productivity and Utility (including applications that make users more efficient)
Social Good (including applications that help others and/or benefit the greater good)
*Teams are also encouraged to integrate other Facebook products in their solution, e.g. Messenger, Graph API and other open source tools.
Prize Money $10,000