Faith-Ventures Meetup (Chinese session)

Organized by

    Are you a Christian in tech, quant, or design, and long to integrate your talents with your faith? Are you a data scientist or an AI Ph.D. wanting to create startups that disrupt the faith realm? Are you a coder or designer looking to apply your skills to faith beyond the limited opportunities of AV or website tasks at church? Consider joining Faith-Ventures, a community of Christian with STEM or design backgrounds, exploring faith-related innovations and applications, through startup brainstorming, design sprints and hackathons. Previous introductory sessions described our vision and strategies for Faith-Ventures, and dived into brainstorming sessions. This event continues our brainstorming, but offers quick intro to newcomers as well. Note that this particular session of Faith-Ventures Meetup will be conducted in Chinese, (but feel free to contact the organizer for more information and get notified for the upcoming summer sessions that will be conducted in English ).


    Mitchell Park Library (Fairmeadow Rm)
    Palo Alto, United States


    From 29th April 2018 - 04:00 PM
    to 29th April 2018 - 06:00 PM