Food for Thought Policy Hackathon

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    Join us for the Policy innovation initiative (School of Public Policy & Governance)'s annual hackathon. Our "Food for Thought" hackathon will explore and pose solutions to some of the most difficult food security issues in an urban setting. It will be an opportunity to apply design thinking, create impact creatively, learn, and connect with multi-disciplinary experts. The hackathon will focus on three key issues: Institutional Food Procurement: How might we encourage healthy and sustainable food procurement in public institutions? Food Literacy: How might we strengthen food literacy for at-risk populations in urban centers? Home-based Food Businesses: How might we support urban home-based food businesses? Participants will tackle the challenges in teams composed of diverse skills and experiences, and will be joined by our Keynote Speaker Lori Stahlbrand (Coordinator, Toronto Food Policy Council) and Challenge Leaders, Adeline Cohen (OpenLab, Urban Farm Project, UHN), Reg Noble (Centre for Studies in Food Security, Ryerson University), and Cassandra Gentile (Director, Food Innovation Hub) to provide guidance during the hackathon. The hackathon is open to all graduate students, including public policy, urban planning, public health, as well as public servants and those passionate to make changes through policy. Read more about our hackathon last year and our ongoing work here. Details Date: Sunday March 25, 2018Time: 9:00am Reception with breakfast; 9:30am - 4:30pm Hackathon Light breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided. Please bring your laptop and reusable water bottle. Acknowledgements Thank you to the School of Public Policy & Governance, Petersen Fund, and the Graduate Student Union at University of Toronto for helping make this event possible.


    CG160, First Floor, Canadiana Gallery
    Toronto, Canada


    From 25th March 2018 - 09:00 AM
    to 25th March 2018 - 04:30 PM