Free, Digital Privacy & Encryption for erotic Entertainers

Organized by

    location = 1349 Mission St San Francisco, CA 94103 b/t  9th St & 10 St. Free, No cost Digital Privacy & Encryption for 4 hours. 6 segments with time pause to help individuals with their electronic devices of installing apps, software files. Practical, hands-on education knowledge easily, without cost (free open-source) online tools. Educational workshop (no products sold). If you are NOT in Adult Entertainment industry, the public library has classes or  learn online at eff.orgSunday street parking free or take BART rail to Civic Center.Bring food and drink for consumption, restroom on-site. Child and wheel-chair accessible friendly.  Free wifi , electricity plug port charger available in classroom layout. Rsvp to have computer tutor for every 5 attendee, and to keep records for grant funding. Ticketing(stage name ok) to be notified day and time with changes modifications of event with advance notice.Sund Apr 29, 6-10pm Center for Sex and Culture 1349 Mission St. SF agenda bring your electronic devices of laptop, smartphone, your dinner, etc. We are looking for allies to help signal boost in a safe way (no Google products, no Apple products, no Facebook) .  knowledge reading prior to class a) b) c) speakers a) Steve Phillips is a programmer, activist, philosopher, and entrepreneur. He is currently the technical lead and project manager for the non-profit Pursuance Project, and runs weekly privacy hackathons every Saturday at Noisebridge. b) AJ Bahnken is a hacker and activist focusing on helping vulnerable people and opposing injustice. His day job is keeping Firefox users safe. He is currently involved with Cypherpunks Write Code and volunteering for the Pursuance Project., c) webinar is led by anti-surveillance activist and privacy educator Dia Kayyali, and is a collaborative effort of SWOP-USA, Red Light Legal, Kitty Stryker, and others.



    From 29th April 2018 - 06:00 PM
    to 29th April 2018 - 10:00 PM