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    Freelancer is the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace by total number of users and number of projects posted. We help small businesses, startups and entrepreneurs turn that spark of an idea into reality. We are changing lives in the developing world by providing opportunity and income. After months of hard work from our engineers, we are ready to release an public beta version of the Freelancer API. It will allow you to build apps and services powered by our technology and our marketplace - the possibilities are endless!   WHAT CAN I BUILD? Here are a few ideas:   FixMySEO Build a service or app that lets people scan their website for SEO problems and instantly solve them by hiring SEO experts on Freelancer.   Wordpress Translation Plugin Watch a blog for updates and automatically send them on to translators on our marketplace. Fetch the translated text and automatically update the blog.     Real Caricatures An app that converts my photos into caricatures drawn by real freelancer artists.   These are just suggestions. We have millions of registered freelancers with hundreds of skills. Entire businesses have been built around some of our project categories. There are no boundaries and everything is possible.   JUDGING CRITERIA Did you use the API? We have built a beautiful RESTful API - does your solution use it effectively?   Is your problem real? Are customers affected by this problem? Will they see value in your solution?   Is your solution new? Have others already solved this problem using your exact solution?   Fit and Finish How was your attention to detail? How is your UX? How scalable is your code?   PRIZES 1st prize: $6000 2nd prize: $3000 3rd prize: $1000   HOW TO ENTER Signup to the Eventbrite event. API docs will be available before the hackathon starts - stay tuned for details. For questions please email   ELIGIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS Max team size of 4. You may work on the idea or solution outside of the hackathon time but must be present for judging.   You will retain full IP of your solution but you must grant Freelancer a non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, royalty free copy of the code to use as we wish. (TLDR; we won't be commercialising the code but want a copy).

    Location HQ
    Sydney, Australia


    From 26th September 2015 - 10:00 AM
    to 27th September 2015 - 05:00 PM