Fremont CoderDojo Hackathon - Saturday, July 14, 2018
Organized by
Fremont CoderDojo is fun place to learn to code games, websites, and apps for young people between age 7 and 17. We typically meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, at 7:00PM.
Rather than exaustively teach a language from A to Z, our goal is the whet learners' appetites and encourage their natural enthusiasm by exposing them to languages, libriaries, and techniques. They learn while creating their own projects.
Student Presentations: Each Session we take time for 2 or 3 students to show off their recent projects.
Scratch: Scratch is a fantastic tool for getting into programming, even for very young kids. It features drag-and-drop coding blocks and a slew of tools for creating and animationg your own sprites.
Javascript, HTML, & CSS: These are the tools for making stuff happen online. Each session we present a short tutorial to present new concepts, build skills.
A Free Ticket is required for entry. This helps us to make sure there is enough room for everyone on a first-come first-served basis. Please use the name of the young person when registering. You will need to make separate registrations for each young person attending.
Those under the age of 13 must be accompianied by a parent or guardian. Adults do not need tickets, but must be accompianied by a child. Need more than one ticket? No problem! Just go through the registration process once for each child.
Bring a laptop if you have one. We have several loaner laptops available if you don't.
From 14th July 2018 - 09:00 AM
to 14th July 2018 - 03:00 PM
to 14th July 2018 - 03:00 PM