French Higher Ed Hackathon: France is Back!
Organized by
*Please note: Limited ticket quantities are issued If you are unable to reserve, email an organizer (email below)*
The French Embassy, in partnership with Joseph Nelson, Zach Thomas, and General Assembly, is excited to host our 2018 hackathon to encourage Franco-US integration, particularly in education. The 2018 Hackathon marks the third year of the collaboration.
This year's hackathon is open to technical and non-technical participants alike, focused on creating compelling marketing campaigns to demonstrate that "France is back." The goal is to create a compelling digital-first effort to attract study abroad applicants who intend on studying abroad in France.
Topic: "France is Back!"
The Embassy plays a key role in promoting opportunities and advocating for programs abroad. As part of its hope for resurgence, France is looking to engage communities worldwide as part of a greater campaign to exclaim that “France is Back!” One particular focus is on higher education and educating students looking to study in foreign countries, particularly students in the United States. Where in the past year the Embassy has charged its team to advocate and examine the ways that students find programs, this year their team, as an extension of CAMPUS FRANCE, looks to build a marketing campaign to educate, engage and inform.
Submissions may include (but are not limited to) a marketing campaign, data visualizations of provided French study abroad tourism data and websites matching students to desired study abroad destinations.
Key Details
WHEN: Saturday, February 24, 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM (final presentations begin at 7:00PM)
WHERE: General Assembly, DC, 1133 15th Street, 8th floor, Washington, DC, 20005
Sign in will begin at 9:30 AM. French Embassy University attache Christel Outreaman will begin kickoff at 10:00AM. Teams of 3-4 will form and compete until presentations at 7:00 PM. Lunch and dinner are provided.
The French Embassy has expressed an interest in funding the most compelling efforts, should winners aim to execute on their submissions. Moreover, sponsors are welcome to receive sponsor prizes for interested participants. (Please each out to josephofiowa [at]
From 24th February 2018 - 09:00 AM
to 24th February 2018 - 08:30 PM
to 24th February 2018 - 08:30 PM