From the monolith to microservices | Workshop j-labs

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    As a technological partner of our clients for many years, j-labs consists of experts whose thorough knowledge allows expertise in many technological areas. We want to share this knowledge openly which is why we would like to invite you to ourworkshop "From the monolith to microservice - the bumpy road to implement microservice architecture". AGENDA 8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-11:15 Welcome to the world of microservices: revolution or natural evolution? • What's microservice - how small is small?• Context and application - will the new architecture solve my problems?- scalability- change management- product development• Is microservice merely SOA architecture in disguise? 11:15-11:30 Coffe break 11:30-13:45 The basic elements of architecture based on microservices • Configuration management and service detection• Centralization of log management• System monitoring• "Fail fast" - a couple words about error propagation• Security• Microservice in the world of web applications 13:45-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:30 The bumpy road to the new architecture • I have a monolithic app - what now? A couple words on refactoring• How to deal with the lack of transactions?• "Eventual consistency" - will my clients accept it?• Automation and DevOps culture and the microservice question• Conway's Law - how should my organization prepare for such a change  SPEAKERS Jarosław Pałka In the IT industry for more than 15 years, as a database administrator, programmer, architect, manager. Took part in small, medium and huge projects executed in the waterfall model, pursuant to Agile methods or without any methodology. In the meantime he allowed himself to be swept off his feet by TDD and Software Craftmanship concepts, took REST and NoSQL ideas, discover the secrets of "system thinking”. Follower of the JVM faith, researcher of bytecode, JIT and all sorts of parsers, interpreters and compliers. Values speaker of all-Poland IT conferences. Łukasz Mróz Full-stack developer with more than 6 years of experience in the IT industry. Participant of hackathons, contests and acceleration programmes. LEAN startup and agile methods fan. Amateur guitarist, film-maker.



    From 23rd March 2017 - 09:00 AM
    to 23rd March 2017 - 04:30 PM