Future Workplace Hackathon Info Night

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    Please join us for the Information Session for CoreNet Global Australian Chapter's first Future Workplace Hackathon. It's important to attend the event to know the challenges, network with others and get some insights on how to get the best experience on September 4-5, 2017.  A Hackathon is an internationally used and recognised term for a competition where people come together and make a tangible product or solution using technology over a compressed time period. As part of the annual Corenet Symposium, we will be holding the first Hackathon in conjunction with BGIS, Qube Global Software, Schneider Electric, Serraview, Academy Xi, Blue Chilli, Fisher Australia, .TECH Domains and Hackathons Australia. Agenda 6:00pm - Future Workplace Panel: challenges revealed by Sherrie Jones, Workplace Director from BGIS, Rodney Timm from Director of Property Beyond, and Jonathon Stone from Qube Software 6:45pm - Hackathon Logistics: Agenda, Explanation of Judging Criteria, Top Tips 7:00pm - Project Pitches - learn from past Hackathon goers including Alice Hong from GovHack Melbourne 7:15pm - Networking 8:00pm - Close This event is MC'd by Angela Bee Chan, Founder of Hackathons Australia. Register for the Hackathon: http://futureworkplacehackathon.eventbrite.com.au/ Email angela.chan@schneider-electric.com for any enquiries



    From 16th August 2017 - 06:00 PM
    to 16th August 2017 - 08:00 PM