GDG Android Montreal - September Meetup
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GDG Android Montreal - September Meetup
Hello everyone! We've had a pretty busy month, Hackathon preparation Workshops, big shipping dates and late nights for the whole organizing team, as well as various Hackathon involvements.
Our next Hackathon Preparation Workshop will be the 28th of September, and our Big Monthly Meetup will be Wednesday the 30th. This month, we like to thank the people at CloudOps who are graciously hosting us.
CloudOps - 420 Rue Guy, Montréal, QC H3J 1S6
We'll be starting at 18h, and we have two talks.
RxJava and RxAndroid
par Simon GUEROUT
Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de RxJava ou RxAndroid, ce framework qui fait de plus en plus d'adeptes. Mais de quoi s'agit-il en réalité ? Comment l'utiliser et qu'est-ce que cela peut apporter au développement d'une application ?
You may have heard about RxJava or RxAndroid, a framework getting more and more attention. But what does it really do ? How can you use it and what could it bring to your application development ?
Simon est un passionné du petit bonhomme vert. Après avoir travaillé quelques années dans le domaine de la télévision numérique, il s'est rapidement tourné vers le développement mobile. Aujourd'hui il est directeur de Sidereo à Montréal, une agence spécialisée dans le mobile et l'internet des objets.
Simon is a fan of the little green robot. After working a few years in the digital TV business, he quickly moved to mobile application development. He is now the manager of Sidereo in Montreal, an agency specialized in mobile applications and the Internet of Things.
Intro to the Marshmallow Permission System
by Philippe Breault and Etienne Caron
The new Android Marshmallow permissions model is a big change for the platform. From now on, users will be able to decide exactly what permissions they want to allow applications to use. With this change comes a series of new challenges (and opportunities) for Android developers to handle (and explore).
Hey There! My name is Philippe Breault, I am a software developer living in Montréal (Canada) and my job/hobby is Android. I have been working on the Android platform since 2010 and I hope that sharing what I have learned will help people get proficient in Android faster!
Etienne is a software developer who's worked on all tiers (server, web, mobile and embedded) of large scale software platforms. He's been the Android team lead for PasswordBox, which was acquired by Intel Security in 2014. He is now Android team lead for TrueKey, Intel's digital identity manager.